Friday, July 27, 2007

"Arvin, Bring Round the Car!"

We need to get the steamer trunks packed! The Voigtlanders loaded with film! Bindi and Bobcat off to the kennel!

We are headed to Berlin for the 1st annual European Photoblogger's Meetup!

Our goal? To leave with our heads and identities intact and a big fat unpaid bar tab!

We will not be live shaming this event but we WILL have a full report at it's conclusion.

(Or as full as our alcohol muddled memories allow.)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Like Drinking From A Firehose

Often when we are interviewed by the International Press (Perhaps you saw us on Larry King on CNN whilst we were in country or our joint interviews on the BBC Newshour and Al Jazeera) and asked why we only shame photomemes.

The answer is the same as to the question: "Why do you hate George Bush and cat photos?"

"Because it's so easy." (Ok, we have to work on hating cat photos, but it's worth it in the end.)

Then the inevitable question arises 'Whither flickr'?

We Memes have hearts. Think us not completely heartless. We heart you. We do not however heart flickr. We don't shame flickr because it is not worthy of our shame, but rather, because we don't know where to begin. We can walk on the backs of fishes packed into the barrell of stupidity that is flickr and not get our hooves wet.

From those daft groups, to those HATEFUL HATEFUL HATEFUL silly awards that daft gits give other daft gits in the daft git comment section where they used to leave daft git comments like 'I like your daft git photo because I'm a daft git, too' now they leave AWARDS with little .gif (.gif sort of brings to mind daft git? Coincidence? We think not.) things that make us SPIT. The entire endeavor is one big daftgitorium!


What prompts this you ask?

We got a comment that we elevated to Post Status from a one Mr Matthew Robertson who we like and has yet to attain Agent Status (Email us your self chosen designation) that shows us the best and most honest flickr group EVER! See below. (You've already seen above, daft git.)

Matthew Robertson has left a new comment on your post "Updates Three":

Your pic has won the Flikr [sic] Self-Pleasuring Award.
Please add your photo to the Flikr [sic] Self-Pleasuring Award Winner pool and tag with "Self Pleasure".


We are self pleasuring ourselves at the thought of this wonderfully honest and wholesome group.

Now we must, in all fairness and honest self disclosure, answer the following question:

Q. "Do you Memes have a flickr account?"

A. "Of course! What do you take us for? Luddites?"

Monday, July 16, 2007

Updates Three

Subject The First

SeeItSunday: Sun or as we like to call Barb/Xerraire: SeeYouTWICESunday for posting two images to the same theme. Now granted one could argue that one person can have two different photoblogs from which to submit BUT BY THE SAKE TOKEN THE DAFT GITS COULD HAVE 500!!!

From Barb's Photoblog:
From Xerraire:

Now we can sometimes forgive multiple entries if they are far apart on the list because one might forget while fighting the War on Terror and recycling to help return the Earth back to another ice age (We are pro-global warming, we want to grow grapes) that they have ALREADY submitted to a photomemes.

OR sometimes you submit a photo of a cat and in your great shame you promptly submit a photo of something other than a cat. That's ok, too, because as we would like to point out to some Meme Moderators, YOU DON'T ANSWER YOUR DAFT GIT MAIL in a timely fashion. Marc and Nick at PhotoFriday are inexplicable exceptions, they don't speak but they WILL do your emailed bidding within minutes. We have no idea how.

Anyway, we don't feel this is the case here so we take Xerraire to our little Woodshed of Shame for a good switchin' (Oo..that just gave us a little jolt. Sorry, gumnut.)

Subject The Second

AND WHILE WE ARE IN THE WOODSHED we would like to summon a sprightly young photo meme moderator who has started a Sunday photomeme which was are NOT going to link to at this time BECAUSE THE LITTEL DAFT GIT is promoting it with COMMENT SPAM WE ARE THE COMMENT SPAMMERS HERE THANK YOU VE....Oh ...I mean....COMMENT SPAM IS WRONG AND ANNOYING.

That is almost like being those daft gits on flickr who leaves comments like "Hi, I'm John Flickr, and this is my website and I noticed the PHOTO OF YOUR CAT which is so unlike every other cat photo I have ever seen that I want you to join and submit it to our group "=^..^= PEOPLE WHO TAKE PHOTOS OF CATS BECAUSE THEY THINK THEIR CAT PHOTO DOESN'T LOOK LIKE EVERY OTHER DAFT GIT CAT PHOTO >^..^< -meow!" You know what I mean.
(Sorry, Bizzlepix)

SO new Sunday meme moderator, cut it out and we'll list you with the other scoundrels who enjoy making photographers jump through their hoops.

Subject The Third

If you have ever wanted to meet and punch the lights out of The Right Honourable Memes, Monitor and Shame you will have your chance.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Live Shaming - Photo Friday: Busy

When it's summertime and the livin is easy, we Memes, prop up the Broken Window of Love with a stick we found on the street. So Agents S had no difficult tossing this massive note tied to a rock and thrown through our window. (Note to selves: Order screen repair kit from Home Shopping Channel as soon as the Eve Arden Cosmetics Show is over)

Now...from Agents S

First, I'm disappointed that the new theme 'Busy' is so similar to a theme just a few weeks ago -- 'Active'

But we press on:

I started at #1 and didn't have to look long before I was befuddled by 3amfromkyoto's entry (#2), which is a lovely photo, but appears to be a woman sitting perfectly still:

Bees -- Bees -- Bees (read Cliche -- Cliche -- Cliche):

#14 -- 'jamie in alaska' and 'hands' both need to get 'busy' changing their permissions on Flickr so that their submissions to photomemes aren't marked private.


#135 -- tag, you're it (I suspect this is not their real name) -- just plain awful photography (if you'll allow me to be so bold) -- I see 'Busy,' but I also see the other 6 dwarfs: Noisy, Blurry, Flashy, Pinky, Blinky and Underexposed.

#22 -- edrick02 -- no idea: (moon, leaves, feathers, water, none of which looks busy to me)

#37 -- *bildersite* -- I'm not sure what is 'busy' in this image, the vacant railroad tracks, the lazing pigeons on the rail, the pigeons sitting on the grass -- oh, perhaps it's the five (5) automobiles in the upper left? Beats me!

Still Life doesn't scream - "Busy" to me -- but apparently it does to:
#32 --archiprezmosis --

All the best,
--Agents S

Agents S! You are our long lost American Cousin/Cousines! Please call us when you are in country so long as you don't need money!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Retro Shame: Moody Monday - Horny

This just in from Crème de Meme

Moody Monday: Horny seemed like an inspired Theme... but it turns out you need to enjoy cattle or antlers!

But some are worthy of an extra-bolded WTF.

For instance:Adrian Hancu is at the Wailing Wall... I believe.

Levitation seems petrified

I don't even want to begin wondering what LA Bombilla understood the theme to be:

But a special WTF is reserved for Damion Garot, who seems to be a leg man...

As an aside, while submissions seemed to center around something with horns or something you wanted to have sex with, Xerriare's lovely entry falls squarely into BOTH categories.

In Regards to Agent names: We were going to designate all Shamers as Agents X, but some of you seem to want to strike out and carve your own niche so we are implementing SHAME NAMES.

See you on the sidebar.